Saturday, 25 October 2014

Some Roles and Responsibilities of Quality Stage Resume

Roles and Responsibilities of QS:

  1. Acting as a Global DQ Focal as part of the DQ Team in helping out the local DQ Teams as well as train the teams on Quality Stage.

  1. Working with the SME’s of the source systems in understanding the Business process and gathering the requirements.

  1. Preparing the DQ Requirement sheets and taking the sign off from the SME’s before getting start with the design of actual jobs.

  1. Generating the Pattern report and Token report as requested by the Business in identifying the Data patterns and inconsistency in source data.

  1. Involved in the discussions with SME’s to validate the reports generated by Investigate stage and preparing of ACL (Action Check List) document suggestions made by the Business.

  1. Updating/Modifying existed rule sets according to the ACL Document to get the best output in further cycles.

  1. Effectively used standardized stage in standardizing the source data by using the existed rule sets like name, address and area etc for multiple countries and generated the valid and invalid data reports.

  1. Involved in the Discussions with Business again to validate the Standardized reports and prepared ACL doc again with the action points.

  1. Updated/Modifying the existed rule sets specifically the PAT file to handle the unhandled patterns according to the ACL doc where ever it is needed.

  1. Involved in Building of Customized Rulesets for the countries for which there are no default Rulesets.

  1. Involved in the design of Match Templates suggestions made by the Business and validated the results to identify the duplicates coming from the source depending on different Match types.

  1. Designed the jobs by calling the Match Templates prepared and generated the results.

  1. Designed the jobs by using different survive techniques available in Survive stage by passing the Match stage output as input to get the best breed of record to the target.

  1. Involved in discussions with Business to validate the data report generated by Survive and taking the signoff from them on the data if there are no issues.
  2. Effectively worked on AVI stage to validate the address information coming from multiple countries.

  1. Generated the Suggestion report requested by the source team by using AVI to get the suggestions made by the stage to validate the data.

  1. Generated the Correction Report like Valid data report and invalid data report requested by the Business to correct the invalid data like incorrect postal codes, incorrect cities, incorrect PO Boxes, incorrect state and incorrect organization names coming from source.

  1. Implemented the Business Rules defined by the Business to validate the source data by using the Data Rules Stage and generated the reports to identify the valid and invalid data.

Roles and Responsibilities of IA:

1.        Involved in IA Administration to create the IA Projects, adding of Data sources to the projects, imported the metadata of the tables to the IA Projects and giving the IA permissions to the Users to profile the data.

2.       Involved in Profiling of source data by using the IA Tool.

3.       Ran the column analysis on the data and analyzed the data to identify valid and invalid data each column wise and filled the DQ Result sheet with the results of Column Analysis.

4.      Used various types of reference tables like Valid Reference Table, Invalid Reference table and Range Reference table etc to validate the data in Column Analysis.

5.       Created the Virtual columns to validate the data on more than column at a time or on the combination of columns.

6.      Created the virtual tables with some sample data of other table by placing the filter condition to validate the data.

7.       Generated different kind of IA reports for Column Analysis like Invalid Format Report and Invalid Data Report etc.

8.      Ran the Key analysis like Single column Key analysis and Multi column analysis to identify the primary key of the data and generated the IA reports for Key Analysis.

9.      Ran the Cross Domain analysis to identify how much percentage of one table data matching with the pair table data and created the IA Reports for the Cross domain Analysis.

10.    Ran the Baseline Analysis to compare the column Analysis results of one cycle with other cycle and generated the IA Reports for Baseline Analysis.

11.     Created the IA Data rule definitions and Data rule set definitions to validate the source data and derives the data rules and Data rule sets by binding the actual table columns to the rules to validate the data.

12.    Ran the Data rules and rule sets to identify the valid and invalid data and exported the results to csv files to share the results with the Business.

13.    Expertise in creating the Rule definitions, rules and Execution of rules as a bulk from command line prompt to make the process fast.



